Make a Website

A professional Website is very useful for providing general info for your Company. 

Website Construction

The image of your business is your Website and that is why great importance is given to designing and constructing it appropriately.

Building your Website will be fast and reliable. It will be constructed based on your customers’ needs. Original and responsive design is the goal as well as search engine friendliness for better Website placement.

Domain Name

Your Domain Name is one of the most important attributes of your Website. It is the URL you will be sharing with your current and potential clients. Also you will be promoted through Social Media and that is why you need Keywords simple and descriptive for your customers to remember.

Website Hosting

Every Website needs a good server. Depending on the budget available you can choose between Servers Shared with other Websites or a Server Pack Exclusively for your Website
Afterwards, depending on your budget you choose the Hosting space for your Website. Price range for Web Hosting varies from 4.00€ up to 100€. There is a wide scale of available Web Hosting partners for you to choose from. Usually shared servers cost less but with a Dedicated Server Hosting plan you can achieve optimal performance plus you get all the available server resources at the disposal of your Website solely. Also take into account the higher safety provided compared to Shared Hosting plans.

Price for a Website

The price for a Website depends on the design and developmental needs of every business. 
Price range is from 80€ to 100.000€ !!!
Maintenarce costs vary from 80€ to 15.000€ per year

Make a Website
Make a Website

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